
Gestalt personal transformation groups

‘Gestalt’ has no equivalent in English.  The closest translation is ‘wholeness’ or the integrating of your soul-psyche, brain-mind, spirit, body, emotions, allowing your whole persona to become far greater than the sum of your parts. These Gestalt personal growth, development, and transformation groups focus on your total wholeness and wellness, and on you, over time, becoming the very best version of you, starting now.

The groups are non-judgemental, personal, therapeutic, and mutually supportive. 

There are five things we can absolutely guarantee you... 

By the end of this decade, you as a person, your job, your business, your lifestyle, and the world will be significantly different.

How am I so sure?  Because of the ‘forty-tsunami-like’ events, including global boiling, the advent of AI, and huge political, social and economic upheavals that are changing our social, technological, ecological, economic, and political fabrics nationally and world-wide.

So, as our world becomes more chaotic, the best investment you can make right now is to significantly upgrade you as a person, and your masteries. Which is precisely why ‘Uncommon Experience’ has set up these Gestalt Personal Transformation Groups.

Five main DIY tool kits

As an active participant, you gain five main DIY tool kits that assist you in moving your mindsets, emotions, and behaviors from good to better to best, both during the sessions, and for the rest of your life:

  1. Transform You:  You gain a rich and flexible DIY transformation kit drawn from Coaching and Mentoring, Gestalt Therapy, Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, person-centered therapy, and psychodynamics. Two basic maxims we build on are: “You don’t have to be unwell to get better.”  And: “Your psyche, or soul, is programmed to be totally healthy and whole - we just have to give your psyche a nudge.” 
    As part of this tool kit, you dance with your 200+ archetypes, rework your life and business purpose, create a testimonial of your best self, evolve your Personal Manifesto as a working document, and gain vital ‘formulas’ for gaining everything you want, to live abundantly, and create ‘real magic.’
  2. Grow your spirituality:  You experiment with different ways to create your own ongoing spiritual practice including mindfulness, meditation, gratitude, shamanic rituals, altered states of consciousness, ritual breathing, and journaling.  “Your spirituality, as compared to religion, is a key part of you being a whole person rather than a fragmented one.”
  3. Become an Artist again:  You dive back into your early childhood to recapture the complete range of creative arts you did back then.  And you rehabilitate 2-3, especially music, as ‘therapy,’ as part of you being a ‘whole person.’  “The whole person is constantly creative and innovative - non-stop!”
  4. Grow your brains:  You discover insights, tools and techniques gained from modern brain sciences, including the neuroplasticity of the brain, and other structured mind-enhancement exercises and technologies that keep you learning and growing at any age. “Learning, growing, and transforming is a continuous, lifelong adventure.”
  5. Develop your mutual support tribe:  In any “wartime” like we face now, individuals either move more strongly to me-me-me, or to we-we-we.  Our sessions encourage and facilitate your movement towards we-we-we as being far more beneficial to you. Uncommon Experience and your Gestalt group become part of your tribe, and you can continue to build on the meaningful connections you make. Typically, your group will form strong bonds as a ‘tribe’ that endure long after the sessions finish. “Today the role of the lone entrepreneur, is unnecessarily lonesome.”  “Collaborative innovating is the best game in town.”

World events

Our sessions constantly repeat that all our behaviours are both rooted in a context or situation and are always relational.  So, throughout each session we also look at some of the ‘forty-tsunami-like’ events shaking the world and how you usefully respond when the event is hitting you directly, vicariously through friends and loved ones, mentally, ethically, or via massive manipulation.

Gestalt session details

Length of sessions

Each group meets twice a month for eight sessions, each of four hours. In between each session, you gain structured exercises that both consolidate what you have learned and prepare you for the next session.  In between sessions, you are invited to contact Neville Christie and other group members for personal support.  Sessions run from 1.00-5.00pm, followed by a meal for those who can make it.  All sessions are run in Collins St in Melbourne CBD.


The Fee is $3,500 + GST, paid in advance.  

This fee covers 32 hours of group interaction, your support tools and exercises, and any personal interaction with Neville Christie, your Facilitator.

Neville Christie’s bio

Neville Christie’s career as a serial entrepreneur and innovator began unexpectedly at the age of 12, when his father had a near-complete breakdown.  Neville became the main breadwinner while still at school.  In the first year he started three micro-business and the next year added two more.  By the age of 13 he was earning 3-4 times the basic wage and able to support himself and his family fully.

From then on, every three years or so, Neville re-invented himself.  Over the next 70 years, till now:  He’s started, grown, and sold 44 small businesses. Acted as a company director and chairman many times.  Gained four University qualifications - in arts, education, an MBA, and both a certificate and a postgraduate diploma in Gestalt Therapy - the highest training in Gestalt Therapy available in Australia. Worked in overseas aid and volunteering for 5 years. Trained here and overseas in shamanic practices.  Worked with, mentored, and trained CEOs from well over 2,000 businesses - both in groups and one-to-one. And he’s dabbled in nearly all of the Arts as a musician, composer, actor, playwright and director, painter…

Now a very active 82-year-old Neville facilitates these Gestalt Groups, making sure each group is tailor-made, continues to mentor and chair companies, and with others is seriously dramatizing his 70 years of business and transformational experience and make it available as widely as possible.

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