Ronan read Talk Triggers - so you didn't have to...
Fast Facts
Week: 5
Title : Talk Triggers
Author: Jay Baer & Daniel Lemin
Rating: 8.5/10
Adapted from Ronan's LinkedIn newsletter 21/02/2024 -
Books I've Read For You
Every challenger brand that wants to disrupt its market or stand out in a crowded and competitive business should consider creating a talk trigger.
One Key Takeaway or Insight
Same is Lame
Same is lame - advertising is a tax paid by unremarkable businesses, and most talk triggers are either free or very low cost.
Video version of Book Review
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* Common Sense Events has rebranded to Uncommon Experiences
"Talk Triggers" by Jay Baer and Daniel Lemin shows how word-of-mouth marketing works and the importance of unique experiences in getting customers to talk about a product or brand. Talk triggers are special things that make customers excited and want to share their experiences with others.
The book stresses the value of talk triggers in marketing, which can boost customer acquisition and loyalty by sparking authentic conversations. Talk triggers are seen as more impactful than traditional ads, as they create a memorable experience for customers and help a brand stand out from rivals.
Baer gives examples of talk triggers in his book, like Hilton's Cookie at check-in, Cheesecake Factory's menu, and P.F. Chang's "Pink Gold Rush" promo that set these brands apart.
Talk can be cheap.
Here’s a proven formula to get your customers to talk about you (in a good way!) by creating your own Talk Trigger.
Read this summary if:
For anyone looking at ways to improve their marketing, this book is perfect for you. Because it doesn’t go into general marketing strategies and tactics. Instead, it focuses on just ONE idea - talk triggers.
USP vs Talk Trigger
First, here’s the difference between a USP and a talk trigger:
A USP is a feature, articulated with a bullet point.
A talk trigger is a benefit, articulated with a story, that is discussed at a cocktail party or on social media.
Talk Triggers
Talk triggers are about creating Word of Mouth or "Mouth Marketing" (WOM) which is more effective and important for 3 main reasons:
It is hyper-relevant. The recommender understands the receiver's perceived needs
Positive WOM saves the recipient time (and angst)
WOM is independent. It adds credibility and persuasion to the recommendation because of the trust advantage.
Advertising is a tax paid by unremarkable businesses. And it’s twofold; in both increased advertising spend AND you have a harder time charging a premium for what you offer.
A lack of differentiation puts enormous pressure on your bottom line.
Different is better than better (Sally Hogshead).
Breakdown of the 4 groups of customers in almost any market:
1. Uniqueness Seeker
Who value, appreciate, and support companies that commit to doing something different.
2. Experience Advisors
Who are far more likely to both talk about and ask about brands
3. Fundamental fans
Are lovers of USP and care about quality customer experience more than uniqueness. They prefer good to different
4. Skeptics
Are almost hostile to the notion of differentiators. (largest segment at 30% and 6/10 are often men)
The 4 requirements required for a talk trigger to work:
Must be remarkable - people rarely discuss adequate experiences (good and nice are four-letter words!)
Must be relevant - should support your broader company positioning and objectives
Must be reasonable - You’re not Oprah giving away 276 cars. Remarkable enough to be a conversation catalyst but reasonable enough to be trusted.
Must be repeatable - unlike a gimmick or a surprise and delight campaign this must work for your business every day, not just one day.
The 5 types of talk triggers:
Empathy - a human-powered approach that gives employees permission to work outside scripted boundaries
Usefulness - Air New Zealand safety videos are a great example of a talk-trigger - intrinsic to the product itself
Generosity - The omnipresence of ‘skimpflation’. A talk trigger that does the opposite is the power of generosity.
Speed - Consumers changing expectations requires you to beat that expectation.
Attitude - Using humour, irony, a bold colour, or brand. Create a personality that is authentic but noticeable.
Sometimes when customers don’t have strong feelings about a brand we need to revisit just why that is.
Similar to the “Competing Against Luck” insight “Most businesses are not measuring whether they are improving their customers’ lives”.
Many talk triggers are free or simply a marginal increase to an existing line item so there is no “ we don’t have the budget” excuse.
A core element of a talk trigger is the story it creates. Here’s an example…
“A little sized chips order is enough to feed a small family” - Google Review 4th Feb 2023 about 5 Guys abundance of fries talk trigger
Use it in your key messaging and a proof point showing your company’s customer commitment.
Give yourself permission to do something different. Something noteworthy. Something talkable.
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