Week 1: Useful Beliefs

Ronan read Useful Belief - so you didn't have to...

Fast Facts

Week: 1

Title : Useful Belief

Author: Chris Helder

Rating: 7.5/10

Adapted from Ronan's LinkedIn newsletter 21/02/2024 - 
Books I've Read For You


If you're a fan of concise, impactful reads with a clear takeaway, this video is for you.

Get your feet wet into a world of useful beliefs and equip yourself with actionable items that can elevate your life to greater heights.


One Key Takeaway or Insight


It’s easier to like the idea of… It’s harder to like the fact that… - something anyone starting a business, or unsure if they should continue running a business needs to ask themselves.

Video version of Book Review

Too lazy to read the summary? Watch instead.


In his book "Useful Belief," Chris Helder deep dives into the power of our beliefs and how they shape our lives. By adopting useful beliefs, we can transform our thinking and take control of our actions and experiences. In this article, we will provide a concise summary of Helder's key insights, offering readers a glimpse into the valuable lessons and strategies outlined in his book.

Through "Useful Belief," Helder challenges the conventional wisdom of setting realistic goals and instead encourages readers to adopt a mindset that focuses on possibilities and potential. Helder asserts that our beliefs create our reality and that by shifting our mindset to embrace positive and empowering beliefs, we can unlock new opportunities and achieve greater success.
Drawing upon his experience as a motivational speaker and trainer, Helder shares practical tips and techniques for implementing useful beliefs in various aspects of life, including relationships, work, and personal growth. By providing readers with a clear roadmap for changing their thinking patterns and embracing useful beliefs, Helder offers a powerful tool for self-improvement and creating a fulfilling and purposeful life.


Sorry to tell you but much of the self-help advice isn’t that useful.

Much of it is 'cruel optimism'

Johann Hari, Stolen Focus

Have you noticed how most of social media is awash with “Here’s my story, and you too can achieve these results, you just have to buy my course.”

Being positive doesn’t give you results.

But a “Useful Belief” gives you a strategy to get out of a hole and get you to the next level.

Reframing how you see (and believe) things.

Here are 6 from the book:

  1. If you're going to work in your industry you need to believe it’s the best time in history to be in {insert your industry}.
  2. This is the greatest time ever to be a parent (and to be a child).
  3. This experience (meeting/trip/appointment/day) is definitely happening, so what is the most useful mindset for me to go into it with.
  4. You had the parents you were supposed to have.
  5. The “reality” of this situation is bad. What is the most useful strategy to move me from ground zero to one.
  6. Everything that happens teaches us things.

Whether this is true or not. Truth is irrelevant.

A useful belief is about seeing the opportunities that we can capitalise on right now.

Used in the context of all our existing realities, having useful beliefs could be a gamechanger.

When something significant happens in your life ask yourself two simple questions:
Why did this happen?
What did I learn from it?

7 Simple Useful Beliefs:

  1. Time management - what activities get the best results?
  2. Coding success - who is the best at doing “that”
  3. Body language - adopt useful body language
  4. Being present
  5. Gratitude - every day has a trajectory. Up or down?
  6. Energy - have abundant energy
  7. Taking action - “I need to do this..”

    SUMMARY: I love these types of books. Short, to the point and one key message. Including a few actionable items.
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