Our Journey

We created unnetworking because we dislike networking but we love connecting.

We don’t like being sold to, but we love helping others.

The traditional networking format is broken. No one likes doing it.

Attendees arrive with the same objective – to sell something so they can quickly recoup the money they paid to attend. But when nobody has come to buy it creates a massive disconnect. A room full of sellers, and no buyers.

Instead we reverse-engineered networking, removing everything you don't like to allow a safe space for people to connect and make abundant relationships that are going to change how they think, work and collaborate.

This is what we call Unnetworking.

Because relationships outlast companies, projects, and even industries.

Because abundance starts with you.

“Nobody should have to attend business lunches or networking events and feel that a sale is the only benchmark of success”

What you don’t like about networking Transactional , Selfish , Opportunisitic ,

In a room full of opportunities, are you willing to give first?

By surrounding ourselves with people who share the values and beliefs on reciprocity and a willingness to help each other and their clients we all win.

Attracting altruistic men and women who are committed to sharing more value with their peers and company. To foster a culture of reciprocity, service, and authenticity. To enable both profits in personal awareness and a financial return.

Being recognized as abundance thinkers, honoring our commitments and in service to others requires great awareness, integrity, and a willingness to live up to our standards.

The 4 States of Our Community

Networking is not about meeting the most people or having the most followers, it's about having the strongest relationships & the best connections.


Uplifting, energising, positivity, camaraderie


Midlife - the next mountain to climb, Lack of connection/In Transition - have few great business associates

Social or Cultural Influences

Peers, Word of mouth, friends attending, people they admire, Social Capital,

Financial Status

Comfortable or well off, not operating from scarcity.

Why join us?

What you are looking for...   Business advice and support , A business community , Better business relationships , Peer support

If your goal is to find a business community that will support you  –  but don’t know where to startthen try something uncommon and experience the difference.

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