Terms & Conditions of Membership

Terms & Conditions for membership outline the rules and guidelines members must follow to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all. They cover various aspects including membership price and breakdown, confidentiality, and the expectations for both parties involved.

Membership period

You agree to a Membership Period of 12 months. This agreement will roll over for 3 months at a time, either party may terminate this Agreement by providing notice in writing. 

Payment Schedule

Payment is due monthly in advance. If your circumstances change significantly we will negotiate pausing your membership.


You agree to pay the price for the membership services at $450+GST PCM 1 additional member from the same company can join at a reduced fee of $250+GST PCM N.B. Two members of the same company cannot attend the same event without prior agreement.


You agree to abide by Chatham House Rules at each event. Both parties agree not to (except in the proper course of its duties under this agreement) use or disclose to any third party any such confidential information.

Force Majure

Neither Party has any liability under, or may be deemed to be in breach of, this agreement for any delays or failures in the performance of this agreement that result from circumstances beyond the reasonable control of that Party.


Both parties must indemnify and hold each other harmless from and against all Claims and Losses arising from loss, damage, liability, injury to both parties, their employees and third parties, infringement of third party intellectual property, or third-party losses by 

reason of or arising out of any information supplied to the Member or the Provider, its employees or Providers, or supplied to the Provider and Member both within or outside the scope of this agreement.




We have a few basic guidelines that you agree to abide by as a member of Uncommon Experiences: 

1. We don’t talk about work—So “What do you do?” is not a question to ask at our events. In joining Uncommon Experiences (UE) you agree with the fact that you amount to much more than just what you do for a job. Labels are for jars, not people. It’s not that we are anti-work. We understand that’s how you pay for the amazing meals you consume and for the membership you so kindly invested in. We don’t believe that one event a month is too much to ask for a broader focus on you, (and also your focus on others)—not just a discussion on what you all do. 

2. We don’t talk about sport—So no: “How about Hawthorn beating Richmond on the weekend”. In joining Uncommon Experiences (UE), you agree that while many people love sport, some don’t, and by having this conversation it limits everyone's participation. You have an amazing opportunity to get a deeper understanding of the people you are talking to. If you really connect you can always give them a call during the week talking about All Things Sport or even catch up with a Uncommon Experiences (UE) member and actually go to a game together. 

3. We don’t talk about real estate—So no: “I just bought a property and it’s gone up 30%” I own three houses, you own one house, he rents. It's all avarice and positioning. If we all knew house prices would rise like this, we all would have bought 10 houses. Instead, finding out if someone lives close by or in what suburb is fine, or if you have a farm and it's part of your lifestyle choice, that’s a great topic. 

4. We don’t talk about the weather—It’s Melbourne, it will change: If we are getting to the weather then you really are scraping the barrel and need this group to improve your conversation skills.



How a networking conversation normally goes: 

Where do you work? 5-10 minutes of back and forth about things you don’t really care about or understand.

Oh, did you see the game? 5-10 minutes of talking about sports people you’ve never met, followed by Oh where do you live? Proceeded by house prices and talking about (by not talking about) how wealthy you are and measuring yourself.

Then saying hoping it doesn't rain on the weekend, or the garden needs it.

Leaving that interaction not knowing anything truly meaningful about that person. 

Instead, do this...

What are their passions and hobbies?

What values and ethos do they hold sacred?

What issues or problems, life goals and wins have they lived through recently?

You, and they deserve better.


Explore and Connect Better.

We have given you several questionnaires to connect you to people with similar hobbies and interests that you can talk about. We have provided everyone's details on LinkedIn. You can reach out and do some discovery (not stalking). Prior to each event we will advise you who you are sitting next to, giving you a taste of who they are, not what they do. Use this to explore deeper conversation and to connect better. 


Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

We are very happy for you to reach out to everyone in the Uncommon Experiences (UE) list and actively encourage you to meet them and look for things you can do together outside the events. We ask that this is done individually, and by becoming a Uncommon Experiences (UE) member you guarantee that you will not spam the group with information, instantly push them products or services. Treat each member exactly how you would want to be treated. 


Come prepared.

We expect that you will prepare before the events by completing the questionnaire and check who is attending. To make the most of the event we need to get this information back seven days before the event so we can talk more specifically and with more candour about the people attending. 



We need you to be honest about what you are struggling with and what are the most important things for you to focus on. This vulnerability in both us and you helps build trust quickly. 


Our Network

Our network is yours too. We promise to introduce you to the best people to enhance your business, to focus on and strengthen your processes to help facilitate your  relationship with great people. We will be focusing on you as a person, but also your business to make sure you achieve your goals and that the money you are investing in Uncommon Experiences (UE) you are getting back in increased business and strong relationships. 



In addition to the one-on-one time, we will be working on what we discussed, and writing up and sending you the information that we choose to work on. There is a large time commitment from us to do this which is outside the hour we meet. We are willing to do this to help you, so honesty and trust are very much key.

We have a process to work out all your strengths and to gain an understanding of who you are. 

We then work on setting goals and how best to connect with others—and for them to understand who you are. The goal is for each member to understand the key trigger phrases and events that would make an introduction effortless. 

If you are unclear about what your goals are and how to meet the right people to help you, we will guide you, but ultimately if we don’t focus on this you won’t get the most out of your Uncommon Experiences (UE) membership. 




What we expect from you:

1. Make sure that you make yourself available at the time discussed, don’t rock up late, we have pre/post-event drinks which is a great way to meet and catch up. People have babysitters, long drives, and partners waiting at home, so we want a great event but we also want to get home at a reasonable time. 

2. Put together and send any information that we have requested, or that you want to go through, a full 48 hours before the meal. This gives us the best chance to update the people you are sitting next to with an overview of you. This also makes your night a great deal better as we put you near those people with whom we believe you share the most in common. 

3. Commit to this for a minimum of 8-10 meetings a year to build trust and understanding with the other members. 

4. Understand the key trigger phrases of other members and ask about their goals, challenges and major projects so that you can connect them with people in your network. 

5. If you promise another member you’ll do something, have this done and achieved, and not turned into an excuse. 

6. Give creative constant feedback on how things are progressing and what needs to be tweaked or changed so that you get what you want from these meetings. Perhaps it’s business process, sales assistance/training, marketing or personal development. We want to improve this experience for everyone. 

7. Prompt contact, update and feedback to anyone you meet or we connect you to. 

8. Use the same philosophy of abundance mindset and ensure that you continue to introduce other people to your network and increase the trust with the people who attend our events. 

9. Prompt payment. We respect you and your time. Chasing money is an additional cost and affects one-on-one relationships. We have to book the restaurants at a fixed price. If you don’t turn up, we still have to pay for the meal. It also affects other people taking the time to attend as we take hours in sitting you next to the right people based on what we know about you. If you pull out within 7 days it is your job to find a replacement if you can’t make it. If possible, we will try and find someone, and have had success, otherwise we will not roll over or pay back the money unless it’s Covid related or a family emergency.

10. Attempt to bring two guests per year. We only want abundant people and generous connectors. However, if you don’t have anyone wanting to attend that’s quite OK (we want quality over quantity). This idea started because friends kept on kicking the can down the road and letting life get in the way of having a life. Why not use one night with Uncommon Experiences (UE) as a chance to bring a friend you are trying to reconnect with and haven’t seen for a while. 




What you can expect from us:

1. We are always focused on the best interests for you and your business. Looking to increase your return on the investment you are putting into this club. 

2. We are available to help you with requests at any time if problems or issues occur outside our catch-ups. 

3. We will respond promptly to any questions, and provide full feedback of any information you request. 

4. Access to the Uncommon Experiences (UE) network is available to find opportunities (where applicable) to increase your sales, lead generation and an increased awareness of your skills, knowledge and expertise. We can also use our network to help you in job hunting— with 300 current attendees of CSE someone will know the MD of the company you are trying to work at. 

5. We will build an understanding of your medium-term goals and use that information to seat you next to a person you know, a person you would like to know, and a person we think you will connect with. 

6. We will offer a debrief and review of each of our events to improve your experience. 7. Support. We actually care about what you are going through—good and bad. 

I agree that what is being asked is achievable and fair. I have a belief that I can achieve the required tasks to return the investment of time Matt Murray have put into me and the time that I am putting in so I can make the revenue for myself to have the lifestyle I want and deserve.




Money Split (Where your membership $$$ goes)

10%  Goes to young entrepreneurs. For every 5 full memberships, we can sponsor one young adult through Frank Wyatt’s NFP supporting the young entrepreneur program. To listen to Frank talk about this - click here 
  • Goes to setup and smooth running of events + communication.
  • What that encompasses:
  • Researching the right restaurants
  • Setting up the survey and following through
  • Data Entry
  • CRM and communication systems
  • Administration support
  • Mobile and email
  • Security software
  • Booking software
  • Website update and running costs
  • Screening new people to invite to events (each one takes 30 - 60 minutes)
  • Additional calls, emails and introdu ctions during the month
  • Goes to Organiser:
  • This pays for Ronan’s and Matt’s events and drinks
  • Parking or Uber to the event
  • Member events are our cost (Booking Fees, GST etc)





What some of our attendees and members have said:

“Thanks so much for organising last night's event. Fantastic to meet a different breed of men. I have waited a decade to find a group of men that want to talk about real issues not just beat their chests. I left skipping down the street.”
-Neville D Christie
CEO Mentor PTY Ltd
Founder of Fast Track Assets Global Innovation Network
“I’ve attended every kind of corporate event but the events I attended was hands down the best event I’ve been to in the last 5-6 years.”
-Alan Hodgson
Telephony & Network Lead
at GPC Asia Pacific
“I went home and told my wife I just met my tribe, the group of guys I have been looking for.”
-Sam Harris
Commercial Manufacturing Manager at Planet Innovation



Contacting Us

If you have any questions about the terms & conditions, the practices of this site, or your dealings with this website, please contact us using the information and tools on the contact information page.

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